Australian history comes to life in this ground breaking album by Australian singer/songwriter Craig Stewart.

"Australian history does not read like history, but like the most beautiful lies. And all of a fresh new sort, no mouldy old stale ones. It is full of surprises, and adventures, and incongruities, and contradictions, and incredibilities; but they are all true, they all happened." The Wayward Tourist: Mark Twain’s Adventures in Australia (1897) 

Craig Stewart's third studio album 'Frontier' is a journey in it's own right. It takes us back to a time when the continent had not yet been settled by Europeans, and was the domain of the Australian Aboriginal. A place of deep spiritual and cultural beliefs dating back some 50000 years to the stone age. 

With the arrival of the first fleet in 1788 came a clash of culture. One of the world's great ancient races found themselves confronted by a far better resourced occupier. 

Over the next century Australia was a true frontier. A place of bloodshed, hardship, convicts, drought, perseverance, exploration, bushrangers and gold. Mark Twain was absolutely right. To read these stories does indeed read like a book of 'beautiful lies'. But they DID happen, and with 'Frontier' the stories have been brought back to life in a truly unique way. 

Through combining his dedication towards Australian history with the power of music, Craig Stewart's 'Frontier' takes us back into the minds of those men and women who forged their way through this period in time. Is the album folk, country or rock? It is a combination of all these elements, but does not follow a specific genre - rather adapting the feel and nature of each song to the sentiments of those who were the subjects of each story. At times you will rock to the excitement of rebellion and resistance, while at others feel the desperation of survival. 

The emotion of 'Frontier' is brought to life through the musicianship of Chris Haigh, an exceptional guitarist and bass player who has worked with the cream of the Australian music industry over many years and continues to be in high demand throughout the country as both a session and touring musician. 

This is truly a unique album, designed to connect with all Australians while also opening up the stories behind a nation's modern evolution to the rest of the world.

You can purchase 'Frontier' direct from either iTunes or Google Play